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  Wednesday, March 29, 2006


csc.exe /t:library MathLib.cs

The C# compiler will produce a library assembly called MathLib.DLL


Remember that an assembly consists of language-independent IL code. It is thus possible to inherit and extend the C# class in VB.NET


From VS.NET Cmd prmtSN.EXE –k MathLib.snk

This line of code instructs SN.EXE to store a globally unique private key into a file called MathLib.snk

You can either specify a private key file that you generate explicitly using SN.EXE, or you can let VS.NET generate one for you by clicking the Generate Key button.

Assembly Verionsing: <major version>.<minor version>.<build number>.<revision>

When a new version of a component is released, if its major or minor number changes, it is deemed incompatible with its predecessor.